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- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "clustalv.h"
- /*
- * Prototypes
- */
- void * ckalloc(size_t);
- void fatal(char *,...);
- void error(char *,...);
- void warning(char *,...);
- char * rtrim(char *);
- char * upstr(char *);
- char * lowstr(char *);
- void getstr(char *,char *);
- double getreal(char *,double,double);
- int getint(char *,int,int,int);
- void do_system(void);
- Boolean linetype(char *,char *);
- void get_path(char *,char *);
- /*
- * ckalloc()
- *
- * Tries to allocate "bytes" bytes of memory. Exits program if failed.
- * Return value:
- * Generic pointer to the newly allocated memory.
- */
- void *ckalloc(size_t bytes)
- {
- register void *ret;
- if( (ret = malloc(bytes)) == NULL)
- fatal("Out of memory\n");
- else
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- * fatal()
- *
- * Prints error msg to stderr and exits.
- * Variadic parameter list can be passed.
- *
- * Return values:
- * none
- */
- void fatal( char *msg,...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap,msg);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\nFATAL ERROR: ");
- vfprintf(stderr,msg,ap);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\n");
- va_end(ap);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * error()
- *
- * Prints error msg to stderr.
- * Variadic parameter list can be passed.
- *
- * Return values:
- * none
- */
- void error( char *msg,...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap,msg);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\nERROR: ");
- vfprintf(stderr,msg,ap);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\n");
- va_end(ap);
- }
- /*
- * warning()
- *
- * Prints warning msg to stderr.
- * Variadic parameter list can be passed.
- *
- * Return values:
- * none
- */
- void warning( char *msg,...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap,msg);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\nWARNING: ");
- vfprintf(stderr,msg,ap);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\n");
- va_end(ap);
- }
- /*
- * rtrim()
- *
- * Removes trailing blanks from a string
- *
- * Return values:
- * Pointer to the processed string
- */
- char * rtrim(char *str)
- {
- register int p;
- p = strlen(str) - 1;
- while ( isspace(str[p]) )
- p--;
- str[p + 1] = EOS;
- return str;
- }
- /*
- * upstr()
- *
- * Converts string str to uppercase.
- * Return values:
- * Pointer to the converted string.
- */
- char * upstr(char *str)
- {
- register char *s = str;
- while( *s = toupper(*s) )
- s++;
- return str;
- }
- /*
- * lowstr()
- *
- * Converts string str to lower case.
- * Return values:
- * Pointer to the converted string.
- */
- char * lowstr(char *str)
- {
- register char *s = str;
- while( *s = tolower(*s) )
- s++;
- return str;
- }
- void getstr(char *instr,char *outstr)
- {
- fprintf(stdout,"%s: ",instr);
- gets(outstr);
- }
- double getreal(char *instr,double minx,double maxx)
- {
- double ret;
- while(TRUE) {
- fprintf(stdout,"%s (%.1lf-%.1lf): ",instr,minx,maxx);
- ret=0.0;
- scanf("%lf",&ret);
- getchar();
- if(ret>maxx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Max. value=%.1lf\n\n",maxx);
- continue;
- }
- if(ret<minx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Min. value=%.1lf\n\n",minx);
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int getint(char *instr,int minx,int maxx, int def)
- {
- int ret;
- char line[MAXLINE];
- while(TRUE) {
- fprintf(stdout,"%s (%d..%d) [%d]: ",instr,minx,maxx,def);
- ret=0;
- gets(line);
- sscanf(line,"%d",&ret);
- if(ret == 0) return def;
- if(ret>maxx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Max. value=%d\n\n",maxx);
- continue;
- }
- if(ret<minx) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Min. value=%d\n\n",minx);
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void do_system()
- {
- char line[MAXLINE];
- getstr("\n\nEnter system command",line);
- if(*line != EOS)
- system(line);
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- }
- Boolean linetype(char *line,char *code)
- {
- return( strncmp(line,code,strlen(code)) == 0 );
- }
- void get_path(char *str,char *path)
- {
- register int i;
- strcpy(path,str);
- for(i=strlen(path)-1;i>-1;--i) {
- if(str[i]==DIRDELIM) {
- i = -1;
- break;
- }
- if(str[i]=='.') break;
- }
- if(i<0)
- strcat(path,".");
- else
- path[i+1]=EOS;
- }